- Kills 99.99% of most of the pathogens instantly;
- Long lasting efficacy: 24-hours on skin and up to 45-days on various material surfaces;
- Non-toxic, alcohol-free and non-corrosive as the Biotopica® water-based anti-bacterial products employ “mechanical disruption” method that “attracts, pierces and kills” pathogens instead of the conventional ways of using chemical poison, chemical infiltration, or dehydration to kill bacteria;
- Unlike traditional sanitisers that promote the evolvement and formation of antibiotics-resistant or drug-resistant superbugs, Biotopica® anti-bacterial products do not allow mutation and thus no resistance;
- Prevents hand-to-hand, skin-to-skin, or surface-to-skin contamination and transfer of pathogens;
- Easy, cost-effective application, mild on skin and does not stain or discolor clothing and receptive surfaces.